Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Nicholas Kristof. Do we have the courage to stop this? Answers

1)   In Kristof’s writing, he strongly expresses his true opinion on gun control. He states that our country needs to strictly stress the importance on gun safety.  He gives lots of examples, exemplifying that there are other items such as everyday tools that are completely harmless that are easier to get than guns. I agree with Kristof that America needs to make changes in the legal department of gun control. As he said, “It’s not the lunatics or the criminals, all countries have them; but that we suffer from a political failure to regulate gun control.”  I agree with his views as well as the many other people as well.  I think that Kristof is spot on when he points out that if someone is dying every twenty seconds from guns, that there needs to be some major alterations because we cant necessarily control what people do with, but we can sure control who we sell them too.
2)   Kristof stated a fact that someone dies from a gun every twenty seconds, that children form ages five to fourteen are thirteen times more likely to die form a gun than in any other country, that the government makes sure people don’t die form ladders and other equipment when in reality only three-hundred people die form ladders each year and thirty-thousand die form guns.  He also shows other response from researchers and journalists who stated that the process to purchase a pet is actually more difficult than it is for a gun.  Also they experimented a new law in Australia that would ultimately decrease the amount of guns sold by one-fifth to see what the results would be, and data shows that the amount of murders with guns dropped about forty percent.
3)   One of the strategies that Kristof uses in his work is the way an author uses his evidence.  He shows lots of facts along with the sources as well, to help more prove his point and views on this international debate.  Having various different points of evidence is very assisting in the sense of convincing the reader into recognizing where you are coming from, and understanding your opinion.  Showing quotes of other people always proves to the reader that there are many others who agree with you and your views as well.

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